Review/Editorial Policy
Commitment to Honest and Unbiased Content: Every review, article, and post on Tool Tested is created independently, without any influence from tool brands, retailers, or commercial entities.
Tool Tested reviews only those sample products that are provided without any conditions, obligations, or expectations. We do not accept paid content placements or compensation for reviews. Simply put, our opinions are unbiased, independent, and not for sale.
For full transparency, Tool Tested always strives to disclose the source of every tool reviewed.
Tool Tested may include links to third-party websites, such as retailers or manufacturers. We do not have control over these sites and are not accountable for any issues or experiences after you leave our platform. The provided links are solely for reference and do not imply any endorsement unless explicitly mentioned.
Tool Tested aims to direct you to retailers that offer the best prices, reliable service, or both whenever possible. However, as stated in our disclaimer and terms of use, our recommendations are based on opinion. You should always use your judgment before making any purchase or decision based on our suggestions.
Tool Tested helps you find retailers with the best prices, reliable service, or both. However, as mentioned in Privacy policy and terms of use that our recommendations are based on personal opinions. We recommend that you research and carefully consider your options before making a purchase.
At Tool Tested, we believe in honest, hands-on testing and research-based reviews. Before writing a review we carefully test and analyze the product, and share share our genuine opinions. To make it easier for you to find these products, we include links to each of the reviewed tool for you in our every tool review articles.
We also includes some affiliate links, which means if you buy through them, we may receive a small commission. This does not affect the price you pay. These links help us keep our content free and continue providing honest reviews. We recommend products based on our research, not sponsorships, ensuring our reviews remain fair and unbiased. You are always free to choose the best option for you.
Note: Our primary focus is to provide honest reviews. We include affiliate links for your convenience to help you easily find the products we review. If you decide to purchase, you can use these links, but it is not required. You are always free to choose any option that works best for you.